Thursday, April 10, 2014

Understanding the Architect Role


In SharePoint an architect is not necessarily a technical role at all. Many of
the greatest architects I’ve known have little or no hands-on technical
experience at all. Rather than knowing how to do something, what they know
is what is possible and what makes sense.

About the Author
Bjørn Christoffer Thorsmæhlum Furuknap is a senior solutions
architect, published author, speaker, and passionate
SharePointaholic. He has been doing software development
professionally since 1993 for small companies as well as
multinational corporations.
About Understanding SharePoint Journal
Understanding SharePoint Journal is a periodical published by USPJA Publishing LLC. The
journal covers few topics in each issue, focusing to teach a deeper understanding of each topic
while showing how to use SharePoint in real-life scenarios.
You can read more about USP Journal, as well as get other issues and sign up for regular
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